This man writes a spot-on Game of Thrones job application – and HR loves it

He uses Game of Thrones quotes and wordplay to get a job interview

In the cut-throat Game of Job Applications, this is the most entertaining letter ever.

The Game of Thrones fan introduces himself : “I am Blueddit4, first of his name…hunting for a job.”

He hopes his resume proves he is worthy to serve the House of Symph (the name of the company he applied to).

He reminds his potential employer : “What is unemployed may never eat”.

This is a play on “What is dead may never die”, a common phrase among those jokers of the Iron Islands.

The response he gets to Game of Thrones job application is even better

The response from a Bannerman of Human Resources is brilliant.

First, he thanks Blueddit4 for reviving memories of the series, though he points out he had been “beginning to recover and move on with [his] life”.

He calls him for an interview Game of Thrones style : ‘Are you free to come to the House of Symph at the strike of 10 in the morning?”

He assures his safety in House Symph by offering bread and salt.

Thank the Old Gods and the New

Blueddit4 promises to be at the interview, carrying the banner of his house.

He quite properly covers all the Gods (old and new) and the HR Lord in his thanks.

(note to self : call HR “my lord” or “my lady ” in interviews going forward)

Here is their correspondence in full :

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