Chinese mall erect Trump rooster mascot for year of the rooster

A group of owners at a Chinese mall found a way to combine Donald Trump and the Chinese Year of the Rooster into one viral advertising campaign.  The Trump rooster.

Can you see the similarities?

Seattle-based artist Casey Latiolais created the 23-foot high sculpture. The monument to the year of the rooster sits outside of the N1 ArtWalk Mall, located in Taiyuan. The Trump rooster is the new mascot for the shopping center, which recently opened in northern China’s Shanxi Province.

Even Latiolias was surprised at how “yuge” it was.

While the mall will soon sell its own copies of Rooster Trump, knockoff replicas are already available online. They range in price from $47 to $1,732, with the latter the cost of a 32-foot, inflatable model.

This isn’t even the first Trump lookalike spotted in China this year.

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