Apparently, Japan wants to “spend the whole year with Putin”. That’s putin it about.

March – the strongman leader and a kitten “liked each other instantly”
Published by the Russian tabloid magazine Zvezdi I Soveti (Stars and Advice), the pictures are accompanied by a series of quotes from Putin addressing his love for cats, the importance of bread and Russia’s military power.
If you are in Japan, head down to your local Loft store. As a result of government restrictions, they are the only shop authorized to sell the calendar in the country. By the start of the year, Loft had already sold almost 350,000 of the calendars!
“We expected some interest from our customers, but didn’t expect it to become this popular,” Loft spokeswoman Koyumi Yokokawa told The Japan Times. “Sometimes you can hear customers, in particular women, saying (Putin) looks good or stylish.”
Apparently, Putin is an ideal form of foreign masculinity in Japan and his fans couldn’t resist seeing his prowess in judo, fishing, hockey, parachuting, flying in a fighter jet, wearing sunglasses, and standing in front of trees.

February -it’s important for parents to “give their child a part of their soul”

Back page: – Russia doesn’t need any foreign territory or someone else’s natural wealth. But if there is a threat “we are ready to use our weapons to ensure our safety.”
How useful is this calendar? Well, Vladimir Putin’s birthday, October 7, is the only official holiday listed in the entire calendar so it’s very useful if your 2017 resolution is to send the Russian premier a card.