Marcus Sanford Patmon, PBS-loving art thief, was caught driving a stolen car to the wrong attorney general to ask for a presidential pardon. Oh yeah, and he was originally done for hiding a Picasso behind his sofa.
Ashley Savage, a police spokeswoman, told NBC Washington on Wednesday that Patmon “wanted to meet with Eric Holder” because “he was looking to be pardoned by the Obama administration before the Trump administration came in.”

One (of several) problems: Eric Holder is no longer the attorney general. That would be Loretta Lynch.
When authorities searched Patmon’s Miami home back in 2008, they found a Picasso, a 1957 etching of a woman reading a book called “Jacqueline Lisant,” hidden behind the sofa.
Patmon apparently told investigators he’d been inspired by an episode of the PBS series “Antiques Roadshow” to steal and resell art so he could have a comfortable life.
Does that mean PBS is sending out Subliminal messages?
H/T: NBC News